Donncha writes: I totally love my new stuff! TOTALLY!

First up dudes is for me to say how totally HAPPY I am about my new toy, a Tail Tickler. I just thought I’d post up this photo so you can see how much I love it. That’s me, KILLING it. See how it’s crying out for help? It is one dead Tail Tickler. Donncha vs. Crocodile and I totally won.

Also, ALSO, our goodies arrived! A full week after they were ordered! But, I forgive ’em, because we finally got that new bed that Toni has been talking about for the last six years. NEW BED!  And you know what? It totally rocks. It’s got really high side so you fell all safe and snug AND (and this is so the best thing ever!) it has a little pouch and inside that pouch is a thing you can MICROWAVE so the bed is all warm! How amazing is that? Pretty amazing, believe you me, especially when you consider it’s STILL winter. I love our my new bed, it rocks.

I was in it for ages, then I went to get a drink and Darcy done gone stole it off me, the cheeky little minxette sister! So later, when she was in the big orange bed and I was feeling a bit naughty (and okay, a bit high on cat nip) I launched myself at her and totally nearly pulled her head off! She was asleep so she didn’t even see me coming! SO FUNNY.

Actually, M&D didn’t seem to think it was that funny. They totally took Darcy’s side. Now I expect this from Paul, as for some reason he’s utterly gone on Darcy, but Toni is supposed to be totally gone on me but she was still doing the old “DON-A-CHA!” which, you know, is getting kinda old. Before I knew it, Paul had grabbed me and I was in the bathroom on a “time out”.

So I cried for Toni. Naturally. I know she can’t stand to hear my crying, so I gave it a good old yowl at maximum volume. And even though I HEARD her say, “I really don’t like hearing him cry!”, she did NOTHING about it. I was in there for about 12 hours. When I was finally released, I went over to her and snuggled against her and was extra affectionate so she felt really guilty, and SO SHE SHOULD. What is happening to the world if you can’t attack your own sister once in a while? She is my sister; that is what she is for.

I mean, I don’t even really “attack”. It’s always playful between us three. But Darcy made such a big deal of it and I ended up getting punished. And you know what? It’s just made me more likely to do it again to teach her a lesson and teach M&D that you can’t be imprisoning a Demon like me.

Still, I’ve still got all my new stuff, and my brief period of incarceration has taught me a valuable lesson: not to attack Darcy while she is in bed. While the humans can see. Easy.

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